The Cost of the Union

I’ll lay this out as simply and as plainly as I can.

The Union is expensive.

We hear about Brexiteers saying the UKs membership is expensive, they have no idea how expensive an unfair union is.

The UKs membership costs the UK £13,000,000,000, or roughly 1.6% of the entire UK revenue.

Scotland’s membership costs Scotland £29,577,000,000, or roughly 49% of our entire revenue per year.

Whats worse is that the UK has a veto…Scotland doesn’t even have a voice.

Did you know that since 2001, Scotland has raised over £900,000,000,000 in tax receipts for the UK government but only received £447,000,000,000 back in the form of a block grant?

Did you know that the UK Government has retained £460,000,000,000 over the same period to spend on our behalf?

That means the UK has kept more of our own money than it has awarded us.


Block Grant

Retained Union

Tax Take


The average amount retained per year by the Union to spend on our behalf…which, we don’t even get a choice on how it’s spent is £28,700,000,000.

Here is what £28,700,000,000 could buy Scotland IN ANY GIVEN SINGLE YEAR…

  • 21 new Queens Ferry Crossings
  • 38 new Aberdeen By-passes
  • 34 new Super Hospitals
  • Every pensioner in Scotland a pension of £35,875
  • Fund the entire Scottish NHS by double
  • Pay the entire UK membership of the EU and still have £15,000,000,000 left over

This union is costing Scotland an absolute fortune, and if we don’t leave it, our children’s future will continue to suffer, our elderly will suffer and we will suffer a further and continuing massive economic consequences of a Brexit we didn’t vote for.