Corbyns Labour Is A Very Real Independence Threat!

So here we are, it’s very early on Monday morning and the start of another week where the Independence movement will have to absorb more of the same – maybe with a twist!

Over the weekend, my blog post ‘The End-Game Starts – Buckle Up Scotland’ was seen far and wide, which I thank you all for, however, a strange course of events has started to appear these past few days.

UntitledI’m sure many of you are picking up on it, but it would appear that UK Labour are positioning themselves to take more votes from both the left and right in Scotland – but only ‘officially‘ targetting constituencies held by the SNP.

We have heard Jeremy Corbyn say that Labour would leave the Single Market and he has allegedly broken a ‘promise’ to write off student debt – two nice little ‘mind-game’ seeds to appeal to a more centre-right voter.

I cannot say I am an avid fan of the man, however, I do recognise that many younger voters in Scotland are pulled in by him and now it would appear he is trying to rein in the more centre-right voters too.  I have first-hand experience with aspects of this within my own family where previous SNP voters are now Jeremy Corbyn Labour voters on the back of the ‘Corbyn Bounce’.

We have also seen a recent article on a supposed ’15 Tory MP’s to sign Theresa May no confidence letter’ and ‘Tory members want Theresa May to quit by Christmas as David Davis eyed as possible successor’.

So does this highlight a possible slight deviation in establishment thinking?

Well, it would appear, at least on the surface that the Tory in fighting is still there and maybe worse than was previously allowed to be displayed publically and that the DUP may not be enough to see them over the line.  I wrote about this potential ‘mess’ on the 20th July. It also tells me that with UK Labour coming to Scotland to take seats from the SNP and not the Tories (politically their natural opposite) that the establishment is trying to split the independence vote further.

If UK Labour can garnish a little more support from the young in Scotland (who really are the life blood of Independence) and Theresa May is ousted, we could see a radical shift in dynamics in Scotland – and possibly the UK.

I firmly believe that Independence will eventually come to pass, but I am slightly concerned at the SNP not rebutting louder some of the establishment’s rhetoric these past few days.

I am aware there is an SNP relaunch in early autumn, however, the relaunch must be radical – autumn is a long way off in politics.

The relaunch must be so radical that it attracts hard left Labour voters and right wing Tory voters, more importantly, it must appeal to the youngest of our voters – without them, the future of an independent Scotland will look a little less certain.  It must show all of Scotland that Independence is viable.  Scotland must start acting like it is Independent in mind and of UK Policies.

Make no mistakes about it people, Jeremy Corbyn is as establishment as Jacob Rees-Mogg, the difference is that he just puts on a good show, but he is very selective in what he is doing, and he is trying desperately to appease both sides of the coin – he will either succeed if the SNP let him, or he will fail, if the SNP push him.

Its time to speak up Nicola!

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